Did not finish the book Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, but his way of timelining the story with sponsor company. The title of the blog should be taken in the same spirit, and has nothing to with the content under.
It has been the end of week one. So far, the process has been more of self-discovery than formal education. I am open to reassessing myself, putting myself in difficult situations of being evaluated by others, trying to improve and act on the cues I get from others around me. You could call it the year of transformation, but that can only be justified if the results speak for themselves in one year. So far, its been more of a week of reflection. I must say that change in mindset can be a little difficult because we keep falling into the same patterns of thinking.
I will continue with experimenting and testing myself everyday. Little to lose, much to gain. Odds in favour. Cheers.
Old man baby